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5 ways Vivint uses reviews to generate quality leads

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Data from an FBI crime report shows that we can expect one in every 36 homes in the United States to be burglarized each year, resulting in an average loss of $2,230 per break in.

This startling statistic is what drives many homeowners to look for solutions to safeguard their families and possessions. With so many home security systems on the market and the commitment of contracts to consider, choosing a home security system isn’t easy.

Our goal is to add trust factors at every touch point in the consumer journey. Trustpilot has helped us significantly boost CTR on ads and conversions on landing pages.
Jacob Parry - Sr. Manager, Digital Marketing
Vivint interview

Vivint Smart Home, a leading smart home company, offers homeowners a comprehensive suite of products and services to remotely control, monitor, and manage their homes using any smart device. Vivint wanted to increase its brand awareness in the crowded and fragmented smart home market.


Grow Vivint’s reputation and build trust throughout the customer journey, ultimately helping consumers choose Vivint as their smart home solution.

Work and results

1. Build online reputation

Reputation is usually built on the foundation of customer satisfaction, so Vivint started by asking their customers post-installation to leave a review about their experience via Trustpilot’s platform. Since beginning their partnership with Trustpilot in April 2014, Vivint has collected over 1,200 reviews, 81% of which are 4 and 5 star.

2. Optimize paid search with GSRs

The quickest way Vivint was able to determine ROI from reviews was adding Google Seller Ratings to their paid search ads. Over the course of a year, they saw an increase in click-through-rates of 56% for brand search terms and 94% for non-brand search terms, driving more qualified traffic to their site.

Vivint CTR Brand vs. Non Brand

3. Convert paid traffic to leads

When a user clicks on a paid ad, they are driven to a landing page whose sole purpose is to entice someone to take a specific action. Conveying trust is a key way to optimize landing pages to improve ROI from paid search campaigns.

Vivint put trust to the test by A/B testing how non-brand search term landing pages performed when incorporating Trustpilot reviews. The goal of the landing page was to drive leads by either form completion or inbound calls.

Over the 28-day testing period, Vivint saw a 12% overall improvement in conversions from the version of the landing page with the Trustpilot reviews, contributing to 13% more in sales revenue. Furthermore, inbound calls, which convert twice as well into sales as form completions, saw a 17% increase in conversions.

Vivint - Increase from paid traffic

4. Increase confidence at key conversion points

Vivint also wanted to drive more leads from key conversion points of their website, such as the packages page. The goal of the packages page is to incentivize users to fill out a form or call in for a quote. There is the added challenge that, at this point, a number of people might still be browsing for the best price. How could Vivint build consumer confidence in their brand, encouraging browsers to take the next step in the conversion funnel?

To answer that question, Vivint again A/B tested their packages page by displaying reviews onsite for a period of 28 days. The result was a 5% increase in inbound phone calls, which still converted twice as well as form completions, leading to 3% in additional sales revenue.

Vivint - Increase from organic traffic

5. Improve ROI from retargeting

Despite impressive conversion rates, both for paid and organic traffic, Vivint still had people abandoning their site. They were already using retargeting as their second chance to convert visitors, but wanted to see if using reviews would help drive more qualified traffic back to their site.

Vivint ran three tests concurrently, testing two versions of an ad with and without a Trustpilot review. All three tests reached statistical significance, and showed an increase in click-through-rates of 41%, 66%, and 7% respectively.

Vivint - Increase in retargeting CTR

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